Version: 3.1.2019.91¶
Released: 14/08/2019
New Output Data Menu & Screen¶
Previously, in Xchecker there were two separate page options in the Output data menu. MAM Autocat+ Submission and TecDoc Dat file submission.
From today, these are options have been replaced by a new menu option called Deliver Data
When you select Deliver Data from the menu, you will be taken to a new screen where the logo's for all possible publishing outputs for your data will be displayed.
Outputs that are enabled in your Xchecker will appear in colour, whilst Outputs that are available but not yet enabled will be greyed out.
Using the above screenshot as an example, this user has access to Autocat+ and TecDoc only.
New Automatic Process for Competitor Xrefs.¶
To improve searches and ensure your data is kept fully up to date, MAM have requested that going forward all competitor Cross References are regularly updated on Autocat.
Therefore, from Thursday 15th August, we will automatically send competitor Cross References every time you submit in ARC (Autocat Ready Centre) based on your Xref export preferences.