Version 3.1.2018.897¶
Released: 14/09/2018
New Xrefs/Supersession Development.¶
When superseding a part number, you can now choose to use the old part as a Xref to the new part number.
This function can be found in Maintain data, under the Supersessions tab. If you choose this option, the check box Create as Xrefs to the new part will automatically be ticked, and a text box will appear asking you to confirm that you wish to proceed.
This will then put the old part as a Xref on the new part with the type defaulted to ‘Competitor’.
Frozen Panes at top of Maintain Data/Cat Maintenance.¶
We have frozen the top pane to make scrolling through multiple pages of application data easier. The top five buttons will now stay visible, so when you edit your information, you will no longer need to scroll back to the top of the page, making it much more user friendly.
This function can be found in Maintain data, under the Catalogue maintenance tab.
Predictive Typing - Manufacturers.¶
To save time, you can now type in the manufacturer name instead of selecting it by tick box. It will then take you straight to that manufacturer so you no longer need to scroll through the list.